Fellowships and Internships

Environmental Research Institute

The Environmental Research Institute (ERI) is a research and public outreach wing of Vassar’s Environmental Studies Program. Its mission is to provide opportunities for faculty and students to conduct research on Earth’s environmental systems, to promote fieldwork, and to foster engagement with the local community.

The ERI provides funding to support student and faculty research involving environmental sciences.

Environmental Studies Class of 1942 Funding

Environmental Studies provides student funding, on a competitive basis, through the Class of 1942 Endowment, in support of students engaged in Environmental Studies or its mission at Vassar. Funding is available for independent projects or internships and requires faculty mentorship or internship supervision.

More details on the Class of 1942 Environmental Studies Student Funding (must be logged in on a vassar.edu account).

Environmental Studies also provides faculty funding, on a competitive basis, in support of the Environmental Studies program, its students, or its mission at Vassar. Funding is available to advance the intentions of the Class of 1942 Environmental Studies endowment, in order to support teaching and research in support of the program and its aims.

More details on the Class of 1942 Environmental Studies Faculty Funding (must be logged in on a vassar.edu account).


Student research support

Students may seek funding to support research or internships related to environmental science (from the ERI) or related to environmental studies more broadly (from ENST). Students may apply for support to do unfunded supervised internships (of at least 8 weeks), cover research expenses, attend field camps, do research at environmental field stations, or carry out an independent project under the sponsorship of a faculty mentor at Vassar. 

Vassar Fellowships

For a general impression of available fellowships at Vassar, please see the Office for Fellowships and Pre-Health Advising. The office coordinates the application process for fellowships requiring institutional support and provides information and assistance in the search for funding possibilities during the undergraduate experience, as well as for study after Vassar.